Friday, May 8, 2009

Digital or Electronic Portfolio- A summary of an indivials accomplishments using a electronic media and services.

Purpose- To summarize goals, provide knowlegde about you to different people, and to teach learning-to-learn skills.

How to get started- Collect all the information needed to go in your portfolio, sort where each detail of infomation is going to go, filter your work, proof all your work and make sure to make necessary changes, and then interview with employers

Bibliography- Add a framework section to give more detail about yourself

Monday, April 20, 2009

Employment Packages

cafeteria plan-a fringe-benefit plan under which employees may choose from among different benefits those that best fit their needs, up to a certain amount.

cafeteria plan- benefits that best fit an employers needs

individual retirement account (IRA)-a savings plan that offers tax advantages to an individual depositor to set aside money for retirement.

individual retirement account (IRA)- a plan that helps a depositor save money for retirement

tax-sheltered annuity- a type of annuity that allows an employee to make contributions from his or her income into a retirement plan

tax-sheltered annuity- to put money to the side from your income into a retirement plan

retirement fund- a monthly payment made to someone who is retired from work

retirement fund- a retired individuals monthly payment

commission- Mutually agreed upon, or fixed by custom or law, fee accruing to an agent, broker, or salesperson for facilitating, initiating, and/or executing a commercial transaction

commission- to get paid a percent of what you sale

benefits- a payment or gift, as one made to help someone or given by a benefit society, insurance company, or public agency

benefits- a payment made to help you

transportation assistance- providing transportaion to minimum wage employees

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Powerpoint...Good or Bad?

I do not think Powerpoint is overused because it can be interesting, full of information, it is very helpful and of course it is a very quick way to present a message you are trying to deliver in a simple way. The advantages of using Powerpoint is that it helps a presenter sum up there message. You can also add color, sound, images, charts, and so forth. One disadvantage of using Powerpoint is that it does not contain the same advantages as other Microsoft programs. You can make your slide show stand out by using a variety of color, sound, pictures, and so forth.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break 2009

I had such a blast this spring break. I was doing something everyday. There was never a dull moment. I hung out with my friends pretty much all day and if not I hung out with them at night. We stayed up late just hanging out, joking around, and laughing. Another thing I did for spring break was go to Lubbock. I never really stay in Lubbock, but when I did it was interesting and so much fun. Spring break was pretty much a taste of summer. So with that said I have a very good feeling that this summer is going to be exciting. I cant wait!=]